Світовий Конґрес Українських Молодіжних Організацій (СКУМО) глибoкo обурений i засуджує вoєнну агресiю Російської Федерації прoти Украïни, висунення ультиматумiв Збрoйним силам України в АР Крим, мoжливе рoзв’язання грoмадянськoï вiйни та спрoвoкування мiжетнiчнoгo...
Since the beginning of Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, SUSK has urged Ukrainian Canadian students to advocate for the people of Ukraine and their struggle for a better, democratic future. SUSK now calls upon its member organizations and all Ukrainian Canadian students...
Come learn about the recent Canadian Delegation to Ukraine and the possible paths forward for Ukraine Thursday, March 6 7:30 pm The Golden Lion Restaurant, 15 Canmotor Ave, Toronto (Minimum $10 donation appreciated. Proceeds to the Canada Ukraine Foundation Maidan...
SUSK President Christine Czoli spoke with Humber News today about the Crimean invasion by Russian troops. «Christine Czoli, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Student Union, is pleased with the reaction of the international community, but feels more needs to be done...
SUSK calls upon its member organizations and all Ukrainian Canadian students to heed the call to action announced by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress: Call to Action! Kyiv, Ukraine – March 2, 2014 – From the ground in Ukraine there is general fear that Russia...