SUSK VP Finance Position Vacancy

The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) is looking to fill the position of Vice-President Finance as it was not filled at the 2014 National SUSK Congress held May 8- 11, 2014 in Toronto. As a result, the 2014-2015 National SUSK Executive would like to announce a...

Boycott Putin Now! Extended Twitter Storm

The World Cup ends on Sunday July 13, which means the media will turn to discussing the next World Cup…in Russia. Let’s give them something to talk about. The media hangs out on Twitter; that’s why Twitter storms are so important. If you couldn’t...

Boycott Putin Now Twitter Storm

United with Ukraine, the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK), and #DigitalMaidan ask you to join the “Boycott Putin Now!” Twitter Storm: Help us take the 2018 World Cup away from Russia. On Tuesday July 8th, 12pm ET, our Twitter storm will educate...