Conclusion of the 2018 National SUSK Congress

See the full release here for:

1. Conclusion of the 2018 National SUSK Congress
2. Incoming and Outgoing Executives
3. Resolutions
4. Sponsors

The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) is pleased to report on the successful completion of the 2018 National SUSK Congress: Rediscovering the Past held in Banff, Alberta from May 3rd to 6th, 2018. Over 60 student delegates and alumni gathered for this year’s National Congress, titled Rediscovering the Past. This year’s Congress focused on the themes of the First World War Internment Operations and Human Rights. The conference was generously supported by the Endowment Council of the Canadian First World Fund (CFWWIRF) and the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation (UCCLF) and featured guests from other communities affected by the First World War Internment Operations – including the Armenian and Bulgarian communities.

2018 Congress Delegates at Castle Mountain Internment Monument

“’Rediscovering the Past’ marks one of the largest SUSK Congresses in recent memory,” said SUSK President Stephanie Nedoshytko, “We are honoured to have been able to host our conference at the prestigious Banff Centre, have representation from other ethnocultural communities, and learn about the Internment Operations from the First World War in the backdrop of Canada’s Rocky Mountains.”

The 4-day event was dedicated to encouraging and challenging student leaders to come together, discuss and deliberate relevant questions and issues, and spearhead the future of youth leadership and involvement in Canada while also learning about the First World War Internment Operations on site. The 2018 National SUSK Congress included the following program elements:

– No Free Man, Canada, the Great War, and the Enemy Alien Experience
Dr. Bohdan Kordan

– The Redress Campaign
Andrew Hladyshevsky Q.C., Shevchenko Foundation
Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation

– Panel: New Research on Canada’s First World War Internment Operations
Dr Rhonda Hinther (Moderator)
Kassandra Luciuk, Doctoral Candidate: “A Ukrainian Internee Remembers: A Kapuskasing Camp Diary”
Dr Mikhail Bjorge: “From Internee to Inmate: New Research on the Prisoners of Kingston Penitentiary, 1917-1920”
Sarah Beaulieu: “Remembering the Forgotten: Archaeology at the Morrissey WWI Internment Camp”

– The Shevchenko Foundation and Grant-writing
Andrew Hladyshevsky Q.C., Shevchenko Foundation
Connor Moen, SUSK National Coordinator

– Constitution 101
Stephanie Nedoshytko, SUSK President

– Advocacy 101
Paul Grod, UCC President
Ihor Michalchyshyn, UCC CEO

– Excursion: Castle Mountain Internment Site and Cave and Basin
Dr. Bohdan Kordan

– Panel: Understanding Through the Arts: Recognizing an Historic Injustice
Warren Woytuck (Moderator), Critical Thinking Consortium
Kerri Parnell: National Internment Art Exhibit
John Boxtel, Internment Statues Legacy
Ryan Boyko, Armistice Films – The Camps Webseries

The 2018 Congress opened at the Banff Centre with Vice President Michael Code, who spoke about how the Banff Centre strives to inspire artists and leaders to make their unique contribution to society. The welcoming address was followed by icebreakers, Ukrainian Student Organizations (USOs) presentations, and SUSK executive reports. Each USO spoke for a few minutes about their fall and winter events that were held on their respective campuses. USOs were assessed according to three categories: Best New Up-and-Coming USO, Best Event, and Best Story. Three awards were given to USOs who made outstanding contributions: The Ukrainian Student Club of Barrie (New USO), Western Ukrainian Students’ Club (Best Story) and the University of Saskatchewan Ukrainian Students’ Association (Best Event).

New participants were truly impressed with the size, scope, and professionalism of the conference and Congress. “Immediately upon commencing the SUSK Congress, I was struck by the professionalism, organization and dedication of the Ukrainian Canadian students,” remarked Bulgarian Canadian student Nicole Minkova, “To see so many young leaders keenly interested in the history of internment in Canada was humbling. The commitment to maintaining culture and heritage was also truly inspiring, and I am thrilled to have been a part of it!”

2018 SUSK Congress Keynote Speaker Mark O’Neill (Canadian Museum of History) delivers speech

The formal programming concluded with a Banquet & Zabava event on Saturday evening, which featured over 120 guests including SUSK alumni and representatives from the Ukrainian Canadian community. The banquet featured keynote speaker Mark O’Neill of the Canadian History Museum and the Canadian War Museum, who spoke about current and future initiatives to commemorate the Internment Operations of the First World War.

“The Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund (CFWWIRF) is pleased to provide funding to SUSK. This is the first student conference in Canada focusing on Canada’s first national internment operations from 1914 to 1920. The Endowment Council of the CFWWIRF is working hard on shedding light on this tragic yet little known chapter in our Canadian history,” expressed CFWWIRF Program Manager Andrea Malysh.

The 2018/2018 SUSK National Executive
From left to right: Natalia Blysniuk, Nykola Dovgyy, Raya Dzulynsky, Stephanie Nedoshytko, Mattay Dubczak, Devon Goldie, Roman Grod, Andriy Katyukha, Cassian Soltykevych

Additional photographs may be viewed here:


For more information and commentary in English or Ukrainian, please contact:
Stephanie Nedoshytko
(780) 616-4652


Grant Partners of the 2018 National SUSK Congress

Endowment Council of the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund (CFWWIRF)

Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation (UCCLF)


Sponsors of the 2018 National SUSK Congress can be found here


For the full release, click here

2018 SUSK Congress Release