SUSK Commemorates Holodomor Awareness Week Across Canada


Photo credit: USS Alberta and Danylo Moussienko (graphic designer)


November is the month of Holodomor commemoration, the famine-genocide of the Ukrainian people in 1932-1933. An estimated 7-10 million people were starved to death and ruthlessly tortured by the Soviet regime.

In light of this, SUSK commemorates this tragedy hand-in-hand with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and its other member organizations to spread the truth and ensure it will be continually acknowledged around the world as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian nation.

“SUSK has had an astonishing amount of activity in the last week,” SUSK President Cassian Soltykevych observed. “We have had 11 clubs pay homage to the victims of the Holodomor from East to West. From information booths, to vigil events, to even attracting international media attention, our clubs did a phenomenal job in raising awareness to people outside our community.”

Various clubs attracted media attention from local news outlets, from Ukraine Today, and also their university communities at large. This in part comes from a more streamlined effort to raise awareness for the Holodomor.

uss-ribbon“Throughout Holodomor Awareness Week, we successfully saw all coordinated efforts of students across Canada: not only over social media but also using shared ideas of educating non-Ukrainians about the tragedy on campus. We can only spread the truth if we continue to work together.” noted SUSK External Relations Director Stephanie Nedoshytko.

Some of these coordinated efforts include attaching sheafs of wheat with black ribbon with information across campus, installing black flags on campus, as well as using common hashtags to boost the online presence of each other’s posts on social media.


SUSK would like to congratulate all of its Ukrainian Student Organizations (USOs) for their diligent efforts to raise awareness, and call on members of the national and global community to #ShareTheStory.




SUSK Attends Commemoration Ceremony in Edmonton, AB

Holodomor USO Events

Calgary, AB

Edmonton, AB

  • University of Alberta
  • Macewan University
  • Both clubs attended the Holodomor ceremony at City Hall and laid wreaths

Saskatoon, SK

Regina, SK

Winnipeg, MB

London, ON

Kitchener-Waterloo, ON

Guelph, ON

Toronto, ON

Ottawa, ON

Full release available here.