SUSK Participates in Symposium for Higher Education Reform in Ukraine

screenshot-2016-12-12-at-3-31-08-pm Pictured left to right: Dr. Olenka Bilash (Director, RIDRU), Fahim Rahman (President, U of A Students’ Union), Cassian Soltykevych (President, SUSK) and Stephanie Nedoshytko (External Relations Director, SUSK)


On the morning of December 9th, SUSK President Cassian Soltykevych and Executive Relations Director Stephanie Nedoshytko spoke at the Research Initiatives on Democratic Reforms in Ukraine (RIDRU) Symposium on Higher Education Reform in Ukraine.

Soltykevych and Nedoshytko spoke about the importance of student government in both Canada and Ukraine, as well as SUSK’s activity in Canada and how its organizational structure provides an ideal model to student groups on a global and national scale.

“It was an absolute honour to sit on this panel,” lauded Soltykevych, “student governments play integral roles in both Canada and in Ukraine to influence government, develop strong leadership, and make student voices heard in the world. I would also like to thank Dr. Olenka Bilash for the invitation to this Symposium; Dr. Bilash herself understands the role of student government from her experience as a past SUSK President.”

Joining Soltykevych and Nedoshytko on their panel included President Fahim Rahman of the University of Alberta Students’ Union, as well as President Zarina Khalimon of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) Students’ Council.


Nedoshytko delivering presentation about SUSK’s activities in Canada

“I was thrilled to sit on a panel with President Khalimon,” Nedoshytko remarked, “after meeting each other just a few months ago in Kyiv at the Babyn Yar Symposium. These events really demonstrate how fortunate SUSK and the diaspora are to enjoy such strong linkages with organizations based in Ukraine.”

More information on the symposium can be found here, as well as the full program here.


Full release available here.