It’s the beginning of a new school year, which means lots of us are looking for new ways to get involved at school or in our community. Well, look no further! Did you know that SUSK has a publication called Student? It is also Student’s 50th anniversary, so we have many exciting opportunities this year.

One of the biggest hesitations students have when deciding to write is not knowing where to start and not having ideas. Well, we’ve outlined it for you! Here are the best places to begin when you want to write an article for Student.

Storm the Brain

There’s nothing like a good brainstorming session. Think about the things that interest you — is there anything you would like to share with other like-minded students across the country? Your submission can take many forms; you can write a review on an event, album or show, your local Ukrainian student group activities, interview someone you think is interesting or write an opinionated reflection on a topic of your choice. The options are endless so find something you are passionate about and it will come easy!

Outline all the Things

It sounds like the beginning of yet another boring essay, but taking the time to think of the beginning, middle and end will help you get your thoughts and ideas onto paper. When thinking about how to tackle “the middle,” break your idea/article into sections and work from there. Then use those sections to layout headings because it will help you focus your ideas and keeps it all neat and organized. Our goal is to have articles over 250 words, but if you can’t quite make that then don’t worry! We will still accept all content, and we know that reaching that benchmark comes with practice.

“Say Cheese!”

Adding pictures to your article draws the attention of the readers much easier than a massive block of text. We live in a world that lives in pictures, and capturing the perfect shot for the Insta is everything. Perhaps you like photography, but struggle with writing. Find a friend to write the content and you can take care of the visuals. We are very open to new ideas and would love to find ways to highlight student photographers.

Reach Out!

This year our Student team consists of Dayna Konopelny and Nykole King. They are both eager to get as many people writing as possible. Nykole is currently at the University of Saskatchewan and Dayna is at OCAD University. Drop them a email at anytime.

Another Opportunity!

After the redesign last year by Student Editor, Zenia Michno, we began highlighting student art and designs on our covers. We want to give students in our community the opportunity to get their artwork “out there” in the world! If this is something that interests you, please contact us as soon as possible (we only have a few covers left)!

So you get the idea — we want to hear from you! This is an awesome opportunity to get some practice with writing and get some Google results under your name. We want to work with you so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.