“Student” 1980s
- 1980 January
- 1980 February
- 1980 March-April
- 1980 May-June
- 1980 July-August
- 1980 September-October
- 1980 November
- 1980 December
Welcome to the 1980’s, Dave Lupul
Defense committees plan for future actions
One bad apple does not spoil the barrel
Boycott Olympics to protest repressions, Danja Bojetchko
Where multiculturalism is really ‘down under’, Ivan Jaworsky
Taras Chornowol: towards total creativity, Michael Savaryn
Post-election bureaucracide, Stefan Semykivsky
Okhrym Holopupenko’s Mediascope : The CRTC and Edmonton ethnic radio
A terror of an alternative, Christine Burdeniuk
Relentless attack on Helsinki Group escalates, Nestor Makuch
My support for Helsinki, Nadia Svitlychna
The Valentyn Moroz Saga: a conspiracy of silence, The Student Collective
Moroz — an assessment by his peers
The garrison, O. L’bo
Late night discourse of an apprenticing madman, Mykola Rush
Three Ukrainian jazz dances, Demjan Hohol
Stydentske Zhyttia
Ukrainian bilingual school proposal flounders in bureaucratic obstacles, Dave Lupul
Western conference: “Good job!”, Mark Ferbey
In the wake of Afghanistan, J.B.
Freedom for Shumuk!, Ivan Jaworsky
Edward Kuznetsov: sixteen years in the Soviet Gulag, Nestor Makuch
Mediascope Of Afghanis and Ukrainians, Irene Cybulsky
Quebec’s Left enters debate, Rick Boychuk
What is remembered: to the memory of Volodymyr Ivasiuk (1949-1979), Andrew Suknaski
A touch of class…, Bohdan Zajcew
Ukrainian Spring Rituals, Myroslaw Bodnaruk
Poland: the myth dispelled, Helena Nowak
Cheremosh in Winnipeg, Demjan Hohol
Toronto Ukrainian Week: you had to be there!, Sonia Maryn
SUSK Congress, August 1980, 21st SUSK Congress
Manitoba USC puts on first-class show, Taras Maluzhynsky
Alberta USC hopes to build on success, Dawn Shewchuk
Magocsi named to Chair; Tenure debate ensues
Bilingual Program Produces First Graduates, Andrij Makuch
The Non-Vote in Quebec, I.B.
Support for Shumuk Growing
Okhrym Holopupenko’s Mediascope: The Future of the Ukrainian Press In Canada
A question of qualifications, Omeljen Pritsak
Leonid Pliushch Three Years After
Amnesty International at work
A. L’bo takes an unpopular position
Ukrainian Studies in North America, Manoly Lupul
Evening erupts in academic fireworks, Greg Hamara and Nestor Mikhnenko
Amnesty International publishes reports
Book Reviews, Christine Cherneskey
Backstage with Wasyl Kohut, Jars Balan
A Kupalo festival primer
From Folk Art to Fine Art, Andrij Nahachevsky
Zirka Concert in Edmonton, Demjan Hohol
Magocsi: the split widens, Greg Hamara
Student finances: more red than ever
Community ignores Ukrainian immigrants, Sonia Maryn
Quebec commentary questioned, Christine Baran
Have bandura will travel, Boris Dmytrovych
The good, the bad, and the ubiquitous, Laryssa Rohowsky
U of T Nixes Chair Inquiry, Jars Balan
Students come together for SUSK Congress, Alex Tymofienko
Sad SAC and some reflections on the state of the spectacle, I.B.
Decore delivers the goods
The Varsity and how it has “covered” the Chair issue
European Student Movement Appraised, Pavlo Virny
CDSPP confronts the future, Danja Bojetchko
Zvit pro XXIoho Kongresu CYCK V Edmontoni
21st SUSK Conqress: Whereas, whereas, whereas… Be it resolved that…
Behind the Scenes with Slavko Nowytski
Innovation, Sophistication, and Class…, Bohdan Zajcew
Galay’s play strikes home, Natalka Zymowec
The Strongest Man in the World, Peter Melnychuk
Dancing with the Caravan, Andrij Nahachewsky
Kolumn-eyka, Demjan Hohol
Take a dip into our book barrel — reviews, reviews, Ivan Jaworsky, Bohdan Somchyrsky, Dmytro Jacuta
Poland’s New Fate, Wally Lopatynsky
City of Edmonton funds project Ukrainian Daycamp carries on, Boris Kamyanetsky
Editorial: Year of the Handicapped, Dmytro Jacuta for the Student collective
Students to meet in Toronto: Synthesis: 22nd SUSK Congress, Dana Boyko, congress co-ordinator
Ukrainian movement Surfaces Concerning the arrest of Chornovil, reprinted from Herald of Repression
Background and perspectives The Polish Situation, George Kolankiewicz
Going to Pot or Not: The Question of Konopli, Volodomyr Koskovych
RET-SENDS-YA : Edmonton’s Ukrainian Radio Program, Jaroslav Strybunetz
Zeleni Sviata and Rusalnyi Tyzhden Week of the Nymphs, Myroslaw Bodnaruk
A scene from Saskatchewan The Eternal Star, Людя Марівцан
Doremy Fasola’s classical review – Kontsert Meister
KOLUMN-EYKA – A night at the Gala, Danovia
P’s and B’s meet in Ottawa : National Unity in the 80s, Dana Boyko
A. Vachnianyn’s 19th century opera Kupalo premieres in Edmonton, Boris Dmytrovych
Editorial – Kupalo: For a song, D. L and Z.H. of the Student Collective
Student Club Presidents Interviewed, Dana Boyko
Defense of Workers’ Opposition Ukrainian Patriotic Movement Surfaces, the Ukrainian Patriotic Movement
Kiev journal unearthed First Ukrainian Student Newspaper, Petro Tykhyi
The “Politics of otherness” Examined, Andrij Makuch and Zenon Pohorecky
RET-SENDS-YA : Vesna Festival in Retrospect, Bohdan Zajcew
East European Cinema Review – Czech New Wave, Peter Melnychuk
The Tin Drum and Public Virtue Film Revie: Old and New, Jaroslav Zurowsky
Rod Dynamo’s Ukrainian sports review: Pinball Meister
KOLUMN-EYKA – Beyond Paternalism, Andrij Makuch
Ideas fuse at ‘Synthesis’ XXII SUSK CONGRESS, Congress Press Release
Popular protests challenging regime Unrest growing in Ukraine
Editorial – Taking care of Buisness, The Student Collective
A Critical look at Ukrainian Toronto – A Hromada Divided, Sonia Maryn
A look back at the past Shared Struggles: SUSK and the sixties, Myrna Kostash
Part Three : Decolonization of the USSR is the only peace guarantee of world, Ukrainian Patriotic Movement
New developments in Donbas – Soviets offer coal miners pay raise, Taras Lehkyj
A bold new initiative : Solidarity issues an appeal to East Bloc trade unionists, Taras Lehkyj
“Synthesis” resolutions, Congress Committee
Ukraine in the commix, Eugene Plawiuk
Beers with a sculptor Leo Mol talks about his life and art, Pointdexter
Vegreville’s Ukrainian festival PYSANKA ’81, Ivan Tymenko
Doremy Fasola’s classical review – Kontsert Meister
KOLUMN-EYKA – Vasyl’ Avramenko (1894-1981), Demjan Hohol
INITIATIVE : Group for the formation of a Ukrainian ad hoc committee opposed to U.S. intervention in El Salvador!, Aleksander Towstopiat, Bohdan Klid and Bohdan Futala
Ukrainian Students’ Union formed: Students In Poland unite, Society of Ukrainian Students in Poland
Polish Ukrainians await sponsorship Refugee status denied students, Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant Aid Society
Editorial – Approaching the crossroads, I.B. for the Student Collective
George Melnyk talks about ethnicity The Indian as Ethnic, George Melnyk
A visitor’s chronicle Running the gauntlet and coming of age, Teresa Szlamp
Ukrainian community broadcasting Ottawa Radio: finding its feet on the airwaves, Taras Myhal
Student: Moving Up and On in the World
SUSK Eastern Conference
A message from the President, George Samoil, SUSK President 81/82
RET-SENDS-YA : Reve ta Stohne – Volume five, Bohdan Zajcew
The Edmonton performances Veroyvka tours!, Christina Chernesky
Doremy Fasola’s classical review – Kontsert Meister
A return to Socialist Realism Moscow does not believe in Marx*, Peter Melnychuk
KOLUMN-EYKA – Counting The Contradictions
Editorial, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
Plus ça change
Mark MacGuigan Interview
President’s Message, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
U of S helps take chip off East Bloc
Club News, Stan Chuyko
CBC to air Kurelek film this month
A Shot of Stolichnaya, Taras Myhal
Конкретний підхід до ЦЕСУС-у, Богдан Чолій
Bloc Notes
Silver jubilee adds colour to Shumka rainbow, Christina Cherneskey
Energetic Shumka performance thrills Vancouver audience, Iryna Lupynis
SUSK Western Conference, Lesya Kaminsky
Uke-Can – where’s the beef?, Michael Maryn
The spirit of a people, Tina Sklepkowycz
Виховні організації та українська мова, Оксаив Мариняк
KGB File… Kolomeyka, Bohdan Zerebecky
Games with(out) frontiers
Ukrainian Students Month
President’s Message, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
PC’s Woo Ethnic Vote, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
Editorial, Taras Myhal
Winnipeg Monument Unveiled
An Interview with Edmonton’s Mayor
A Shot of Stolichnaya, Chrystyna Chudczak
Have You Talked to Your Horse Lately?, Oksana Sharaburak
Passport to Ethnicity
Hey (Mr.) Malarek! – The True Story of a Street Kid Who Made It
KGB File
В якого біса?,Роман Ващук
Talley’s Finale, Chrystyna Chudczak
Kolomeyka, Oksana Stanowych
Ethnic Caucus Ignored, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
NFB Harvests Film, Wolodymyr Lewyckyj
Lament for Revolution, Dave Lupul
Just a Kommedia, Andrey Tarasiuk
RetSendsYa, Gregory Hamara
Varenyky Don’t Make Political Menu or Ukrainians Miss Liberal Mark, Mike Maryn
Aussies Hop to Chair
Key Role Seen For Selo Ukraina, Anne Kolody, Vivian Osachuk, Daria Romaniuk
How to Wreck Your Organization, K. of C. Bulletin
Ukrainian Amators, Lesia Fedeyko and Karen Slegel
Снівпраця зі студентами Канади, Ярослав Кальба
Editorial, Chrystyna Chudczak
Letters, Michael Maryn
Former STUDENT Editor Buried, Mykhailo Bociukiw
Multiculturalism Supports Harvest of Despair
Другий Вінок, Chrystyna Chudczak
Україна Мила, Тарас Малюжинський
Kolomeyka, Anne Kolody
Commerative Issue-Andriy Bandera, Mykhailo Bociurkiw, Oles Cheren, Natalka Chryska, Olenka Demianchuk, Bohdan Klid, Halya Kuchmij, LIkda Kudla, Olya Kuplowska, Andriy Semotiuk
A sentimental journey, Andriy Semotiuk
Andriy Bandera and the Ukrainian student movement, Roman and Marusia Petryshyn
The early days of SUSK, Bohdan Krawchenko
Andriy Bandera in the early ‘70s, Marko Bojcun
Andriy Bandera in the Canadian political arena, Yuri Shymko
Andriy Bandera in Winnipeg, Rostyslaw Surowy
The Summer of 1984, Stephen Welhasch
Андріи Бандера-редактор “Гомону України”, Олег Романишин
Гідний нащадок свого роду, Володимир Бандера
Роля Бандери в праці Комітету Оборони Валентина Мороза, Микола Липовецький
Україна очима Андрія Бандери, Роман Купчинський
Андрій Бандера 1946-1984, Христя Гнатів
Андрій Бандера-визначний член ОУВФ, М. Бартків
Peacenik Protests: Foresight or Folly?, Lesia Shymko
Here we go again, Marta Dyczok
I took the challenge, Christine Mushke
One more time…With Feeling, Danylo Dzikewycz
Prairie Perspective, A. Wes Turner
My Dream, Danylo Dzikewicz
U of M USC, Lida Hawryshkiw
Erindale USC, Marta Chyczij
Another Defect From the System, John Szczurko
Русифікація й Англізація-Котре Більш Ефективне, Богдан Чолій
Deschenes and Soviet Evidence, Christine Mushka
Requiem for Stus, Olena Wewryshyn
No to CeSus, Greg Naciuk
A soldier’s story, Marta Dyczok
Breaking the Silence, Mykola Movchan
Ukrainian-American Dilemma: Double Coverage, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
More Appetizers, Roman Matkiwsky
Between Polka and Punk, Danylo Dzikewycz
Rusalka in Toronto, Boris Zayachowski
Бог і Україна-семінар, Tanya Czolij
Що робити?, Victor Olesiak
I object, Marta Dyczok
President’s address, Chrystyna Chudczak
Editorial, Mykhailo Bociurkiw
Letters, Halia Kotovych
The Situtation of Ukrainians in the Polish People’s Republic, Ivan Jaworsky
Welcome Cheremosh 84, Chrystyna Chudczak
Multiculturalism in Education Key to Cultural Survival, Manoly Lupul
Prisoners Adopted by SUSK, Zirka Kudla
“Harvest” Premieres, Jeffrey P. Stephaniuk
The Politics of Dancing, Tanya Dyczok
Activism in Dire Straits, Markian O’Nealovich
Don’t blame youth for the decline of Ukrainian hromada, Lida Hvozda
- January-February 1988
- 1988 March-April
- 1988 May-June
- 1988 July-August
- 1988 September-October
- 1988 November-December
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