Who: Waterloo Ukrainian Students’ Association
When: 23-24 November

Where: University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier University Student Centre


Details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=297221583632373

As Everyone is well aware, we are planning an awareness and commemoration event for the Holodomor (Death by hunger) of 10,000,000 Ukrainians (1932-33). This will take place on two days, where we as a group will have on display an information board and will be informing people about the genocide of millions and Ukrainians and simply raising awareness and asking people to remember the ones lost.

The first day on Wednesday the 23rd we will be in the SLC at UW from 10-4 and then the same time period at WLU in the Concourse the following day (Thursday 24th). When we have finished at Laurier on the 24th we will be gathering around 7:00 for a panakhyda (memorial prayer service) to honour the lost souls as well as a viewing of the latest documentary on the Holodomor. The location of the panakhyda is still TBA however we will send out another message once it has been finalized.

We are in need of volunteers to stand at the information posters and speak to people and raise awareness. Any volunteer will need to read over the information material as we want to stay consistent with our facts. Please, if you can sacrifice an hour or two out your study time to help this event let us know you’re availability and it will be greatly appreciated by all.

Note this is not a political statement by any means, we simply are looking to raise awareness and ask people to help us and the rest of the Ukrainian community honour the souls lost and affected by the Holodomor.
