Our Projects

At SUSK, our mission is to empower and unite Ukrainian students across Canada through impactful projects and initiatives. Our diverse range of projects is designed to foster community, support cultural heritage, and promote academic and professional development.

Planuyemo Razom

The 6-month urban planning competition where Ukrainian and Canadian students collaborate and learn together to redesign a city in Ukraine devastated by…

Unissued Diplomas
In 2023, this project was implemented by a team of 50+ young Ukrainian people, based across the globe in cooperation with SUSK and support of the…
A Commemoration Album of Two Years Since Ukraine’s Invasion

SUSK commemorated the second anniversary of Ukraine’s fight for freedom with a digital album that captured the voices of youth affected by the war…

Walk With Ukraine –
On August 13th, SUSK hosted a national Walk-a-thon, inviting Sweat With SUSK participants and the general Canadian public to join us in Walking with Ukraine…
Holodomor Awareness

Between 1932 and 1933, over 10 million people died in Ukraine at the hands of the Soviet government in the Holodomor Genocide by Famine. One of the largest…

Equity, Commitment, and Action Policy
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK)’s vision is to be a pillar for equity, diversity, and inclusion within the Ukrainian Canadian Community that fosters connection…