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The annual general meeting of the CANADA-UKRAINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE will be held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00pm (sharp). Location: Foyer of the TRIDENT BANQUET HALL 145 Evans Avenue (at Islington

The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) urges its member Ukrainian Students’ Organizations and all Ukrainian Canadian students to support the Boycott Putin Now campaign. The initiative, spearheaded by United with

If you’re looking for more information about the situation in Ukraine, or just want a good website to follow, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress updates the Euromaidan Canada webpage frequently. You

In the wake of the Russian Federation’s clear violation of multiple international agreements infringing on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, the heads of states for the Group of

Світовий Конґрес Українських Молодіжних Організацій (СКУМО) глибoкo обурений i засуджує вoєнну агресiю Російської Федерації прoти Украïни, висунення ультиматумiв Збрoйним силам України в АР Крим, мoжливе рoзв’язання грoмадянськoï вiйни та спрoвoкування