SUSK calls upon its member organizations and all Ukrainian Canadian students to heed the call to action announced by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress:
Call to Action!
Kyiv, Ukraine – March 2, 2014 – From the ground in Ukraine there is general fear that Russia will not stop without strong and rapid pressure from the international community. Ukraine’s government has asked for Ukrainians to demonstrate in front of Russia’s diplomatic missions around the world. Not just for an hour but 24/7. If you care about Ukraine’s freedom then you must take action.

The messaging, however, must be clear and smart. Putin and the Kremlin must cease their war on Ukraine. Our fight is not with the Russian people either in Russia or in Ukraine. We must NOT use any phrases that may incite fear or aggression by the Russian people. The Russian community in Canada yesterday came out with a strong statement unequivocally condemning the Kremlin’s recent attempts to intervene militarily in Ukraine. They stand united with the people of Ukraine and call on sanctions against Putin and his officials.

Together and united – we will prevail!

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