Who: Ukrainian Students’ Club at University of Toronto
When: 22 September 2011, 7:30PM-12AM

Where: MEETING @ St. Vlads ~~~ ZABAVA @ Trembita Bar/Club, 85 Christie St.; 620 Spadina Ave; Toronto, ON


Details: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=227803623936298

Ukrainian Students’ Club at the University of Toronto presents…

Start the night off by coming to the meeting at 7:30pm. Signing up for membership is $10, and you get a T-shirt and admission to USC events (like the ZABAVA right after). Come meet the exec, new people and find out about upcoming events!

Then, follow the crowd and head over to Trembita Bar/Club for a ZABAVA (non-members pay $5 at the door, new members get in for FREE). Dance, drink, and socialize the night away!

Featured Band: CRAZY VODA