Reflecting on My Privilege as I Remember My Family’s History
Luba Maslej turns to her grandfather, or dido Emil’s history and recognizes the sacrifices he made, comparing them to the things she finds challenging now.
Why Ukrainians Should Support Black Lives Matter
Devon Sereda Goldie calls on Ukrainians to listen, educate themselves, and acknowledge their privilege in support of the Black Lives Matter movement across the world.
To Cook and to Clean? A One Day Pantry Staple Meal Plan
Sophia Holowaty goes pantry-diving and discovers easy-to-make recipes, putting her own spin on things for some added flavour.
Physical Activity & Wellness in a Time of Stress & Unhealthy Habits
Nykola Dovgyy explores different ways people can stay fit and healthy, even if they’re stuck inside during the pandemic.
Ukrainian Student Organizations and Cultural Diversity on Campuses
Marc Darmohraj explains the importance of having USOs on campuses and their interconnection with other cultural clubs.
Graduating University Amidst Uncertainty
Raissa Dzulynsky considers the hardships of entering “the real world” when graduating during the pandemic.
Mindfulness, Mental Health & Positivity
Stephanie Nedoshytko shares some tips and tricks to staying organized and maintaining mental health during a pandemic.
Social Distancing and Adapting Easter Traditions
Irina Boyko offers a few suggestions for celebrating an unconventional Easter in quarantine.
Tiger King, Tik Tok, and Food Photography
Kirsten Sharun speaks candidly about her personal adaptation to pandemic life, adding that “we’re all in this together.”
Quarantine Pysanky: New Techniques to Try
Devon Sereda Goldie walks us through several ways to make pysanky — continuing to practice Easter traditions amidst a pandemic.