Amazing SUSK Congress Back to Our Roots!
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) is pleased to report the successful Completion...
Want to Write for Student? Here’s Where to Start!
Thinking about writing for our publication, “Student,” but don’t know where to start? Check out this helpful guide made by our editors!
2015 September. Greetings for the 2015-2016 Academic Year from SUSK
SUSK would like to extend greetings to all Ukrainian Canadian students beginning their 2015-2016 academic year. We would like to extend our warmest wishes to all students for the coming year and provide you with some SUSK updates.
2015 May. National SUSK Congress Release
The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) is pleased to report on the successful completion of the 2015 National SUSK Congress held in Montréal, Québec, from May 7th to 10th, 2015. Approximately 45 delegates from post-secondary institutions across Canada came together for this year’s National Congress, themed Vive le SUSK!
SUSK sends support through Postcards for Prisoners campaign
SUSK partners with Postcards for PrisonersSince Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, Russian...
SUSK Assists with Mentoring Mitacs Ukrainian Student Interns
SUSK announces National Networking Event Series
SUSK announces National Networking Event Series – SUSK intends to actively engage students with events to build professional skills as well as foster relationships with successful Ukrainian Canadians, including SUSK alumni.
A Spooky, Ukie Halloween!
Looking for a Halloween costume that’s different from the rest? Well, look no further — here are some very Ukie (and not so spooky) ideas!
2015 October. SUSK Participates in the 2015 SKUMO Conference
From August 26-28, 2015, two members of SUSK participated in the conference of the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organizations (СКУМО) in Odessa, Ukraine.
2015 February
SUSK is proud to announce the launch of the SUSK “Stop Putin!” sticker project. SUSK will be selling stickers to Ukrainian Canadian students and the community at large, with a portion of the proceeds going towards supporting Ukraine.