“Student” 1970s


Ukrainians Demonstrate!!! Ukrainians Demonstrate!!!, Taras Connor
Labour Unions To Defend Ethnic Groups, W. Asper
Editorial: A Challenge
Archipenko, Nestor Rzepecki
Пласт Через Очі Не-Пластуна, Професор Держко
I Shall Never Forget
Motherhood And Holubtsi, Христя Хом’як
The Myth Of The Just Society (Part 1), Romana Bahrij-Pikulyk



Ukrainians Demonstrate!!! Ukrainians Demonstrate!!!, Taras Connor
Labour Unions To Defend Ethnic Groups, W. Asper
Editorial: A Challenge
Archipenko, Nestor Rzepecki
Пласт Через Очі Не-Пластуна, Професор Держко
I Shall Never Forget
Motherhood And Holubtsi, Христя Хом’як
The Myth Of The Just Society (Part 1), Romana Bahrij-Pikulyk


Україна І Китай, By Українське Товариство Для Студій Над Проблемами Азії
The Myth Of The Just Society (Part 2), Romana Bahrij-Pikulyk
Так, Я Буду Писати Про Вас, С. Б.
The Real Shevchenko, Romana Bahrij-Pikulyk
Discovery!, By Silski Visti
Як Не Ми, То Хто? Як Не Тепер, То Коли?, By Максим Миронюк, Нью-Йорк “Сучасність”
Confessions Of A Professional Activist (Field Worker)


Вітдаємо Патріярха!, Яків Креховецький
On The Road To Patriarchate, Dr. J. Palach
New Clash With Vatican Curia, By Miss Eva Piddubcheshen, New York
Плян Дальшої Дакції, Проф. Д-Р. Петро Б. Т. Біланюк


2-ий Світовий Конґрес ЦеСУС, ЦеСУС
(Annual) Report, Bohdan Krawchenko, Past President
Ще Один Прояв Українського “Почуття Вдяності”, Степан Кузь, Люба Кузь, Михайло Щепетик, Юрій Шимко, Анна Романишин, Святослав Дмитрович, Ярослав Млинерський, Наталка Бойтович, Богдан Миколенко.
Motions And Resolutions Of The 11th SUSK Congress
Economic Analysis Of Toronto Ukrainians, G. Ivanko
Журнал “Зозулька”

Горохом Об Стіну, (М. Ц.)
Соцялізм І Комунізм – Вогонь І Вода?, Борис Яміський
Наукова Фантастика, Роман Сьенків
Записки, Ярема Келебай
Я Цікавий, Борис Будний
Відродження И Загибіль?, Ігор Старак


Free Moroz!
Intellectual Dissent: Canadian Union of Students Publish “Report on Intellectual Dissent in Ukraine”
A Chronicle of Resistance


Воля Укрaїні, Комітет зa Звільнення Вaлентинa Морозa
Тaм – Все! А Тут – Рaкети!, I.M.
Редaкційне Слово
Листи до Редaкції (various)
Рaвт Преси: Кaндидaткa “Студент”-a, Іркa Мaкaрик – Крaля Укрaїнської Преси, Редaкціє
У Лісі, Іркa Мaкaрик
Студенти в Лондоні передaють рекомендaції Конституційній Комісії Кaнaди, Е.Б.Г.Р.
Коцко, Івaн Дурбaк
Lesya Ukrainka: A Tribute to ‘the Spirit of Flame’, E.B.H.R.
Archipenko: The Paris Years, 1908-1921
Плaнети, Кaно
What do we want? – Freedom! For whom do we want it? – Moroz! When do we want it? – Now!, Ihor Kotowych and Andrij Weretelnyk
Зa Який Пaтріярхaт, Тaрaс Священко, Філєдельфіє
Єдність, Мaрійкa Штельмa, Торонто
!Community Action!
Кaнaдсько-Совєтські Відносини, Юрій Веретельник
Marxism and Ethnicity, Daniel P. Moynihan
Re: Marxism and Ethnicity: Comment, O. Romanyshyn, University of Toronto
Пізнaвaймо Себе, Богдaн Свирид. Великa Бритaнія


Суспільні Прaцівники СУСК-у
                  Андрій Бaндерa, Торонто
                  Мaруся Бaрaбaш, Торонто
                  Лярисa Блaвaцькa, Едмонтон
                  Мaрко Бойцун, Торонто
                  Юрій Боднaрчук, Монтреaль
                  Гaня Ґaлaн, Брaнтфорд
                  Олег Ільницький, Вінніпеґ
                  Юрко Ковaр, Торонто
                  Геня Коцур, Торонто
                  Мaруся Кухaришин, Едмонтон
                  Гaля Кучмій, Торонто
                  Вірa Лихитченко, Торонто
                  Олексaндер Рудницький, Монтреaль
                  Ігор Петелицький, Вaнкувер
                  Володимир Коробaйло, Сaнкaтеринс
                  Олексaндер Олійник, Монтреaль
                  Андрій Семотюк, Вaнкувер
                  Богдaн Сірaнт, Торонто
                  Оля Хмилівськa, Торонто
Кaнaдські Етнічні Студії, І.М.
УКОМ: Укрaїнський Кaнaдійський Фестивaль Мистецтвa
Редaкційне Слово
Укрaїнськa Перлинa – Мовa! Іринa Мaкaрик
Did You Know…
Зaявa ЦЕСУС нa “Релігійно-Нaціонaльній” Мaніфестaції, Упрaвa ЦЕСУС, Торонто
Стaрі Арґументи, Зеновій Звaрич
Ініціятивa, І.М.
ЛІтні Курси в Сaскaтуні
Ukrainian Students Literary Circle University of Manitoba
Дві Зaхaлявні Книги з Укрaїни
Community Analysis: A Poem, Irko Kucharyshyn
Crisis in Bonnyville, W. Asper


Letters to “Student”
                  Ivan Kanuchak
Bnepeg!, Marko Bojcun (SUSK President, 1971-1972)
Solidarity with our Brothers!
12th SUSK Congress: Motions/Внески and Resolutions
Festival Smash Festival: UCFA, An Expression of our true culture, Chrystia Chomiak
I Am Curious (blue & yellow)? Jerry Fitchko
Foto Finish


Letters to the Editor
The Magic Formula: Solidarity Wins Out!, Halyna Kowalsky
The Old Man and the See, S.F.
Smash Bourgeois Ideology! Ukrainian Political Theory Workshop
The Message is to Widen your Ukrainian Consciousness, S.F.
I, A Ukrainian: Part II, Ivan P. Paska & Co.
Focus on Contemporary Ukrainian Poetry, “Student” Newsroom
FLASH! “Student” Newsroom
“To Serve and Protect”
Wives of Soviet Dissidents Lead Different Lives
Getting It Together, R.P. & S.F
For an Independent Soviet Ukraine: The Ukrainian Question, Leon Trotsky (re-published from original)
Ukrainians Have a Chants! Or How’s Your Tetrachord (Tone, Tone, Semi-tone), John Sembrat, OSBM
Untitled, Mychajlo
Multiculturalism & Ukrainianism: Middle Class Sellout, Yuri Boshyk
Перишй День, Вaлентин Мороз
The Old Man… Христя Ковaльськa


Joy of Freedom, Steve Procyszyn, Wally Daschko.
Замість останнього слова, Валентин Мороз
Тренос, Ігор Калинець
International Comission, M. Kucharyshyn
Day Care, Vorianna
Aвстралія, Зірка Радь
Некролог кукурудзяному качанові, що згинув на заготпункті, В. Симоненко
Horse Laugh, Oleh Romanyshyn
Manitoba Teach-In, University of Manitoba Ukrainian Students’ Club
Summer Fieldwork ’72, Halya Kuchmij
Letter to the Editor, Steve Andrusiak
The Ukrainian Student and Nestor Makhno, Roman Semenowycz, Univeristy of Toronto
Протестна заява В. Чорновола, Вячеслав Чорновіл
Multiculturalism & Ukrainianism, Y. Bosyk, University of Toronto


SUSK Launches Summer Project
Help!, SUSK Executive
Sign up for Your Rights, Students’ Multicultural Action Committee,
Western Conference-Regina, Alpha Omega
Multiculturalism in the School, Gary Carlson and John Stratychuk
Ontario Heritage Congress, Marika Sztelina
Police found wrong sending horses into Kosygin crowd
New Strategy for Multicultural Canada, K.H.


Scenes from the Video-SUSK Production Centre
VTR Update
Saskatchewan Update
Leo Mol Interviewed, Dorio Lucich


Letter to the Editor, Sonya Shnyk
Saskatchewan Ukrainian Canadian Youth Jamboree, Halya Kuchmij, Mirko Kowalsky
McTavish: An underside perspective of Canada’s smug majority, M. Charles Cohen
Осередок Укрaїнської Культури й Освіти
КУК, ми й укрaїнські фільми в кaнaді
U.K.S.O.R. 1972
The Dream City: Adapts Shapes to Climate


Editorial, Halya Kuchmij
Letter, FEECH
Club News
            Vancouver, Bill Lebedowich, Marijka Haydymowska
            Winnipeg, Winnipeg’s Ukrainian Students’ Club
XIII SUSK Congress, I.B.
Мюнхен, ХХ-ТА Олімпіяда, М. Ш.
Little Vietnam, Bohdan Chomiak
Slave Camps and Tiger Cages, Daniel Berrigan
Давня Фантазія, Мирося Бродович-Горіх
Нова Доба, Христя Семьків
З Мудрощів Богданки, Люба
Untitled, Ihor Sychylo


Думки Про Жіночку Емасипацю, Олена Дем’янчук
Avraam Shirin: A Different Perspective, Radomyr Stolyk
Letter to “Student”, Larissa Blavatsky
Коляда, Калинець
Club News.
Photograph, Jars Balan
Another Smith for Paradise, John Holsess
Summer Saskatchewan, Jars Balan
Being There, Bohden Chomiek
Критика Фільму “Девяте Літо”University of Saskatchewan
Message from the President, Andrij Semotiuk
Interview with Avraam Shifrin
Food Shortage in Soviet Ukraine, Olya Zahrebelna


Letters to the Editor
Through the Mysteries of Western Resentment, Myrna Kostash
Club News
A Letter to Senator Pavlo Yuzik,
Mrs. Maria Zaputovich
Message from the President,
Andrij Semotiuk (in collaboration with Myroslav Shkandry)
Through a Glass Darkly,
Halya Kuchmij
The Edible Woman,
Bohdan Chomiak
Great Love Stories Re-Written,
Eugenia Sheppard
Ninth Summer,
Radomyr Kripak
George Tarnawsky
Man Dies,
George Tarnawsky
The C.B.C. Action,
Andrij Semotiuk


Letters to the Editor Wagons of Parade, Ihor Sychylo
Through the Mysteries of Western Resentment, Myrna Kostash
Роман Бабовал: Подорож Поза Форми, Ірина Макарик
Assimilation Among Ukrainian-Canadian Students at the University of Toronto, Maria Zaputovich
Towards A Political Sociology of Multiculturalism, Mirko Kowalsky
I Love Superman’s Wife, Adrian Karatnycky
Ukrainian Comics: A Reality, Bohdan Chomiak


Українська Мова В Державних Школах, М.Бинничук
Листи До Редакції
Haidasz, Government Funding and Multiculturalism, R. Petryshyn


Редакція Про Себе
Листи До Редакції
Message From the President, Yuri Dashko
Culture without Language
What Can We Learn About the Anglo, W. Asper
Emerging Opposition Currents in the USSR, Ted Hording


Left on Soviet Union, M. Vynnychuk
‘Peace’ Conference, Ludomyr Szueh
Charlie Brown in Moscow
Comedy of Errors
Ukraine Delegation at University of Manitoba
Multicultural Conferene
Presidential Notes
An Open Letter to the British delegates Attending the World Peace Conference Congress, Moscow 1973, Ivan Dzyuba and Vyacheslav Chornovil, The Committee to Defend
World Congress of Free Ukrainians
Letter to the Editor#1, Wally Petryshyn
Letter to the Editor#2, D. R. Sadoway
Letter to the Editor#3
Minutes of Proceedings and Letter to the Editor#
Of the Standing Committee on Broadcasting, Films and Assistance to the Arts
Emerging Opposition Currents in the USSR
Report Successful Strike in Ukraine
Ms Dolly Komar
До Канади саком-паком (Cartoons), Вуйко Штіф
An Open Letter to Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Volodymyr Daschko


Ms Dolly Komar: An Issue Featuring Women
Growing Up Female and Ukrainian, Chris Lukomsky
In Response, Halya Choiak
No title (A note on the state of Ukrainian culture in Canada), М. Шкандрій та М. Юркевич
Бути Чи не Бути Український Живій Мові Серед Доростаючих Поколінь Нашої Молодіб Андрій Верига, Молодіжна Секція СУЖК
No title (Звернення до редакції), Борис Мицьо, голова Society of Ukrainian Students of Newark/ Irvington
Ukrainian Film Workshop in Winnipeg, Zorianna Hrycenko and Oksana Ostapyk
Skeletons in the Cupboard, M. Vynnychuk
Dolly Komar
Review, M. V. and M. S.
No title (a poem), Christina Elena Petrowska
Wanted (a poem), Jars Balan
Nasha Meri (cartoons)


CRTC Hearings, Y. Daschko
Solzhenitsyn- In Perspective, M. Vynnychuk
The Decay of a Tradition, M. Vynnychuk
Ліст-відповідь на реценхії на підручник Ukrainian: conversational & grammatical, Level I, які появилися в часописах “Поступ” і “Новий Шляї”, Юрій Джуравець, Комітет Українських Учителів в Онтаріо
Plus Ça Change…, Rev. W. D. Reid, Montreal; Otto Jelinek, M. P., High Park-Humber Valley
Два Лиця Націоналізму, П. В.
Ukraine in the 19th Century: an Introduction, M. Yurkevich
Integral Nationalism, George Mednytsky
Ferment in Ukraine, edited by Michael Browne, foreword by Max Hayward
Український Дослідчий Проєкт при Торонтонському Університеті
Letters to the Editor, Alexander Motyl, editor
Dolly Komar
П’ять Текстів (Дивись на Щура, Інформація, Альтернативна Умовність та без назви), Марко Царнк
Cartoons, Вуйко Штіф
No title, I. Fedun


Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom…, Walter Kuplowsky
Kurelek Art Exhibit Successful, Ihor Osakiwsky
McGill Offers First Ukrainian Studies Credit, Zenon Domanczuk and Ihor Osakiwsky
A Bilingual Country- Multicultural Character
Ethnic Press, Central Nerve of Community, Anna Kardasz
Ukrainian Immigrants Arrive in Canada 1895, Walter Kuplowsky
Ukrainian Studies Expanding, Roman Kostyk
Church Icons Beautify Byzantine Rite, Bohdan Katola
Folk Songs Remain Living History, Lydia Hook


Moroz Demo, Bohdan Kolos
Letter to the Editor, S. Kovalenko, T. Tkachuk and M. Vynnychuk; Антін В. Івахнюк
In the Shadow of the Death Squad, Richard Gott
Review: Danylo Shumuk “Za Skhidnim Obriem”, Mykola Dubchak
In Reponse to M. Vynnychuk, Taras Lehkyj
“Похідні Групи ОУГ” Лев Шлинковський (Мюнхен, 1951) Уривки
Приїзд Дмитра Гнатюка до Канади, М. Юркевич





Ukrainian Hromada In Florida, Ukrainian Students Hromada of Florida
President’s Report, Sheila Slobodzian
SUSK Executive Meets With Munro
Position Paper On Student, Lubomyr Szuch
On Ukrainian/English Bilingual Schools, Sheiia Slobddzian
Mediagrams, Y. I. Dunock
Leonid Plyushch Freed From Psykhushka, Plyushch Defense Campaign
Leonid Plyushch & The French & British Cp’s, Y. Harun
Бідбулaся Конференція Цесус
Відбулaся Зaхідня Конференція Суск, O.C.
Western Conference, Oksana Suchowersky
On The 16th Susk Congress, Y. Harun
SUSK Position Papers On The Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Jurij Fedyk, Lubomyr Markevych
The Conference On Multiculturalism and 3rd World Immigration, David Lupul, Lona Galutsan
Вісті Европи
Impressions Of Trudeau, B. Romaniuk
De Club Commmunications, A. Makuch
SUSK Social Register, Roxaliana Kozak
Чого Стогнемо – Чому Ридaємо?, Мирослaвa Підгірнa
On The Progressive Conservative Convention, Yuri Daschko
Comments On The PC Leadership Convention, Marco Levytsky, Oksanna T. H. Gerus
Андрій Сaхaров Це Мужня Людинa, В. Сірський
On The XXV CPSU Congress


XVII SUSK Congress
At The Clubs, Peter Zacharkiw
IVth CESUS World Congress, Roman Weretelnyk
President’s Message, Marijka Hurko
Montreal Olympics – Behind The Scenes, Myrosia Chayka
Book Review ‘Cataract’, Mykhaylo Osadchy

Demo in Ottawa, M. Ilyniak
15 Political Prisoners
News from Ukraine
McMaster Conference On Poland And Ukraine: Past And Present
Review: Journal Of Ukrainian Graduate Studies, B.K.


The President On SUSK, Andriy Makuch
Nus Backs Czech And Polish Opposition Leaders
18th Congress Resolutions
18th SUSK Congress, Ivan Javorsky
“It Is Not Soviet Society That Produces ‘Dissidents’, They Are Creations Of Bourgeois Propaganda”, Vera Dumyn
Soviet Psychiatric Abuse Condemned, Zorjan Hrom’jak
Resolution 12 (Liga Greets Plyusch), Mykola Khyshevych
Students Demos In Estonia, Vera Dumyn
CIUS Conference: Ukrainian Canadians, Multiculturalism And Separatism, Dave Lupul
The Edmonton Conference: One Student’s Opinion, Jars Balan
In Search Of A Dialogue: Multiculturalism Meets Quebecois Nationalism, Alex Tymofienko
About The Quebecois Nationalist Movement, Marc Hufty
Ukrainians In Canada And Quebec: In The Future, Roman Petryshyn
Minorities & Quebec
Helsinki Groups Repressed, Roma Andrusiak
Нa Оборону Київсьої Укрaїнської Гельсінської Групи
Нaдзвичaйний Конґрес ЦЕСУС-у, Оксaнa Винницькa


Cabinet Shuffle: Ace In The Hole?, Alex Tymofienko
Play It Again Sam – The 12th KYK Congress, Ivan Pankevych
Will The Ukrainian Canadian Committee Survive Until 1983? (The Kyk Constipational Debate), N.M.
Cry Of The North, J. Strybunetz
Culture-Vulture Protests, D. Hohol
LIGA Ain’t A Comin’ To The Congress, Mykola Khyshevych
New Problems And Old Warriors, Andrij Makuch
Ukrainian Studies News
Polish—Ukrainian Detente
Amnesty In Poland, Vera Dumyn
SUSK – The Good Old Days, Andrij Semotiuk
Soviet Dissent: Current Situation
Student Cultural Involvement
The Poster And The Artist, Jars Balan
Club News Cross Canada

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Lukianenko Appeal
Oppositionists’ Trial A Sham
Orlov Sentenced
Editorial: It’s A Good Time …For How Long?, By Andriy Makuch
Emigratsia: Quo Vadis?, Stefan Semykivsky
Multiculturalism: Publicity Or Reality, Alex Tymofienko
We Need Da Pickets For Defence, Bohdan Martinek
Briefs On The USSR & Eastern Europe
Вишиваний Папір, Jaroslaw Balan
Baba, Raymond Serwylo
Wedlock Or Deadlock?, Dmytro Jacuta
The General And The Specific, Vera Dumyn

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STUDENT affiliates with student press, Nestor Makuch
New films portray pioneer struggle, Andrij Makuch
The dissident struggle claims another victim, Stefan Semykivsky
Canadian University Press, Student, and the future (editorial), B.C.
Lysty do Redaktsii
            Fathers and sons, Dr Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Director, Center for Education in International Management, Geneva, Switzerland
            Strybunetz exposed, Nestor S., Ottawa, Canada
            Ptooey!, Michael Petrowycz, Rome
            A hopeful, Tim Hawrysh, Winnipeg, Manitoba
            King Tut’s curse, Dmytro Jacuta, Edmonton, Alberta
Rebuttals and Replies
            Ukrainian urban villages are a necessity, W. R. Petryshyn (a rebuttal to Lubomyr Luciuk’s ‘Remarks’)
            What is the real constitutional issue?, Christine Baran (a rebuttal to Lupul)
There’s more to ‘pannas’ than meets the eye, Stepha Dmytriw
St. John’s Institute in concert
Ukrainian-Canadian literary history, Hrehory Kwas
From the files – KGB
A Canadian course in Ukrainian political theory first of its kind, Nestor Makuch
Требa пізнaти себе (Роздуми студентки, нaродженої в Кaнaді), Ольгa Гaвриленко
Are barriers to Soviet women’s progress insurmountable?, interview of Alex Holt by Marika Hryn
What can Ukrainian students contribute to community development?, Dmytro Jacuta
Club news
Psychological tales
Dissident reaches England
Podrabinek’s appeal hampered
Evidence of inhumane conditions
Crimean Tatars still homeless
Nestor Makhno (comic)
Problems with ethnic media remain, John McCormack
Floor Show, Montmartre, Marusia Bociurkiw


Education in multiculturalism or multiculturalism in education?, Andrij Makuch
Happy birthday Mykola Rudenko, Danya Jawrosky
Concert’s return to Myrnam a success, Calvin Melnyk
STUDENT at the crossroads (editorial), N.M.
Lysty do Redaktsii
            Aw, shucks, Bohdan Hanuschak, MLA (Burrows), Winnipeg, Manitoba
            The last word, Jaroslav Strybunetz, Peace River
            Read it again, Ralph Gustafson
            Likes Lupul, Brian Romaniuk, Winnipeg, Manitoba
            Racism denounced, John R. Kowalchuk, MLA (Melville), Saskatchewan
Liberty, equality and sorority: Part II, Stepha Dmytriw
An artistic oasis in an oil desert, Anna and Boris Radio
Shumka dancers on whirlwind tour
The crisis of Ukrainian bibliography, Bohdan Chomiak
Communists, Ukrainians, and agrarian discontent, Pavlo Mykhailyk
From the files – KGB
Club news


Three Armenians executed in USSR
Dissident election bid
Jackboot treatment stepped up against Monitoring Group
Canada taken to task, Andrij Makuch
STUDENT appeals to women (editorial), B.C.
Lysty do Redaktsii
            CUP support, Rick Boychuk, CUP Editor, McGill Daily, Montreal, Quebec
            Taken by the tale, Natalie Pawlenko, Edison, New Jersey
            Celtic cousins defended, Eugene Plawiuk, Edmonton
Svitlychna visits Winnipeg, M. Kostenko
Miss Toronto is amiss, Halyna Freeland
Leningrad oppositionists harassed
Pornography: the need to fight back, Halyna Freeland
Abortion laws: a miscarriage of justice, Tamara Tkachuk
The post-war DP’s in the Ukrainian-Canadian press, Stefan Semykivsky
From the files – KGB
Harvard prints early Slavonic Psalter
Vancouver setting ideal for Western, Boris Mykhailovych
Shcho take? (excerpt from the Manitoba Legislature Hansard of 21 February 1979)
News briefs on recent events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
            Soviet free trade union
            The fourth world organizes in the USSR
            Latvian youths sentenced for anti-Soviet propaganda
            Ukrainian activist arrested for circulating documents
            Moscow samizdat publishers seized by authorities
            Sakharov meets Polish oppositionists
            Lukianenko unrepentant in prison
            Spokesmen question settled: Pliushch and Grigorenko
            Ukrainian teacher sentenced
            Wife of dissident interrogated by KGB
            Religion under attack in Ukraine
            Philologist sentenced in Zhytomyr oblast
            Armenian physicist convicted and interred
            International labour body demands information
            Czech chartist jailed: dissident struggle goes on
            Tatar leader apprehended
Beyond the crimson curtain, interview of George Ryga by Jars Balan
A prairie vision, Harvey Spak
Complicated delusions, Marusia Bociurkiw
Pete Stefaniuk: a place in the sun, Jars Balan
New publication on Cossacks


Five Soviet dissidents released in surprise exchange, Nestor Makuch
Now that Moroz is free…, Stephan Semykivsky
Election reflection (editorial)
Lysty do Redaktsii
            This is not staged, Myron J. Spolsky, Secretary, The Ukrainian Theatre, Winnipeg
            Makhno mania, Івaн Смолій, ред. “Нaродної Волі”, Скрентон, Пе.
            Abortions kill, Alexandra Berezowskyj, Toronto, Ontario
            A tip of the hat, Д-р П. А. Кондрa, Принципaл, Вінніпеґ
            Language not to liking, Любослaв Гривнaк, Монтреaл
            On the ‘Banderivtsi’, Володимир Слезь, Ноттінґгaм, Англія
            More from Nestor S., Nestor S., Ottawa, Ontario
Better active today than radioactive tomorrow, Bohdan Somchynsky
Political scientists insist on burying heads in sand, Bohdan Somchynsky
Розмовa Шевченкa з Богом, Жaн-Поль Химкa
STUDENT status in CUP clarified, Nestor Makuch
From the files – KGB
Toronto gets first Chair in Ukrainian Studies
The tourist cookbook: a smorgasbord of information
A Chinese looking glass: George Ryga’s odyssey, interview of George Ryga by Jars Balan
More political prisoners in Yugoslavia, Boris Melenchuk
On top of Toronto: An intimate look at Ted Woloshyn, Jars Balan
Toronto scene of national student gathering, Brad Cherkas
Club news
SUSK-SUSTE travel agreement in works, Dmytro Jacuta
SUSK President’s message, Dmytro Jacuta


Moroz visits four Canadian cities on whirlwind tour, Dave Lupul
The way forward? Valentyn Moroz: a commentary, Dave Lupul
Straightening the Streets, Morris T. Chernesky
A Fertile Issue, Tamara Tkachuk
Freedom Fighting as a Body (editorial), N.M.
Minister Miffed, Bill W. Diachuk
Multiculturalism and the new regime – an uncertain future, Dave Lupul
Czech government smashes Carter, Bohdan Somchynsky
Nuclear Power: It’s our best bet, Ivan Bumbak
Nuclear Power: playing Russian roulette, Bodhan Somchynsky
The Constitution, once again, Dave Lupul
Edible Culture, Marusia Bociurkiw


Czech Authorities Attempt to Smash Resistance, Bohdan Somchynsky
The ‘other’ Canadian literature comes of age, Terese Sziamp
Ethnic Politics, T. Bulba
Reader Browned Off, Michael Pasternak
The ‘new’ Student (editorial), N.M.
Homin Ukrainy, escalating the ‘Moroz War’, David Lupul
Women and work in Hungary: an apparaisal, Maceta Papp
Literary Figure Molested in Ukraine
The 20th SUSK congress: milestone
Stone, or merely waiting for Moroz?, Alex Tymofienko
What you culture is what you get, Dawn Shewchuk
Of Central and East Europeans, cinema, and senses, Peter T. Melnychuk


U of T Ukrainian Chair a victim of blind expediency, Danya Bojetchko
Lawyer observed Czech trials, Bohdan Somchynsky
Academic Myopia (guest editorial), Michael Maryn
The U of T Chair: a perilous journey, David Lupul
Chronological overview of the Chair, Michael Maryn and David Lupul
What is the Chair Issue all about?, David Lupul
Immigration: Winners and Losers, Jim McElgunn
Ukrainian Refugees and the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Bohdan A. Mykytiuk
Students Initiate New Office, Dmytro Jacuta
Ukrainian Student Life in Toronto Observed, Bedwyn Sands
Conference Charts Course, Mathew Tymotienko
A Column of Music Review, Bohdan Zajcew
The Fusion of Identity: Ethnicity and Feminism, Myrna Kostash
Soviet Dissidents: Plus Ça Change…, Sonia Maryn


Karavansky and Stokata: latest dissident emigres, Ivan Jaworsky
Multicultural Politics: Auld lang syne!, Dave Lupul
We wish you a Merry Christmas (editorial), N.M.
The time of the season (editorial), I.T.
Letters to the Editor
Considerations for Christmas, A. L’bo.
“It is terrible to make gods out of dissidents” (interview with Budulak-Scharegin), Mykola Rush and Pual Washcenko
Student press chief victim of South Africa’s censorship law, Helen Zille
Life Inside the Bilingual Schools, Bohdan Chomiak
A Ukrainian Story Theatre for Children, Mark Ferbey
Childhood Memories, Andrij Makuch
Ukrainian politics: under-developed, factionalized, Michael Gedz. Ukrainian pro-communists: revolutionaries into businessmen, Andrij Makuch