Petro Jacyk VISITING SCHOLARS PROGRAM invites applications for 2014-2015 academic year
Deadline: March 1, 2014

Scholars studying Ukraine outside of Canada are invited to apply for appointments as a Petro Jacyk Visiting Scholar at the University of Toronto. The prospective candidates spend four to six weeks in Toronto conducting research and interacting with Canadian scholars. They are expected to present a seminar on their work and to take part in relevant scholarly events. In exceptional circumstances, arrangements may be made for them to teach. Visits will be scheduled during the sessions of the university, that is, between September and April.

Petro Jacyk Visiting Scholar positions are open to scholars working in the social sciences and humanities, including recent PhD or kandidat nauk degree recipients. To support the new generation of young scholars of Ukraine, the Program also introduced the “young scholar” category for those who are under 35 and have not yet received their doctorate. The Program especially welcomes applicants whose work relates to its thematic focus “Challenges of Independent Ukraine”. This focus includes state- and institution- building in Ukraine; law and governance; problems of democratization; education, culture and identity of the nation and ethnic groups in Ukraine; history and the imperial past; and foreign policy and international relations. The Program covers round-trip airfare, gives a stipend for living (typically $1,500 CDN per month), and provides shared office space. The program also provides access to the university library as well as assists in arranging housing at a reasonable cost. Housing and other living expenses are to be covered by the stipend. Although official test results are not required, solid knowledge of English is essential for successful participation in the program.

Please visit our website for more information and application forms: