Who: University of Western Ontario
When: 10 January 2012  5PM-10PM

Where: London
Details: http://www.facebook.com/events/325368197485469/

It’s almost time for our Koliada 2012 – and guys, we’re going all out and it’s going to be a BLAST! Honestly, to those of you who have never been, it’s a very fun and unique experience. We dress up and go to Ukrainian houses to sing traditional songs, and they wish us good things and thank us with a treat, aka candy/snacks/drinks. We get some really awesome hosts (if anyone remembers the Ukrainian opera singer from last year!) and you spend the afternoon/evening hanging out with other Ukies from the club, so you really should come out with us!

Practice: Tuesday the 10th at 5 pm in Talbot College (meet at the entrance, in front of Talbot bowl), with Ukrainian and phonetic English songbooks and beers at the Spoke afterwards. In the next 1-2 days we’ll send out an mp3 of the songs we want to do.

Koliada: Wednesday the 11th and Thursday the 12th. We’ll get together at 4:30 pm at 375 Huron St (same place as Perogie Night) – you can pick one or both dates.

We are looking for drivers, so please let us know if you can (we’ll cover gas).
Please RSVP (email or Facebook) for the date you’d like to come so we have an idea of how many people we’ll have (so we don’t get too many people on one day!). Also, we’ll be going out afterwards on Thursday, because it’s frosh week and we know how to have a good time.

P.S. If you have friends/family who’d like us to come to their house to sing, please let us know and we’ll set it up right away.